Our Chamber of Commerce
The Eufaula Barbour County Chamber of Commerce, located in Eufaula, Alabama, is committed to exceptional service. We serve to advance the economic, educational, and cultural development of the area through the creation and preservation of jobs. Our Chamber is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the entire community. We are always ready to assist the visitor and newcomer, and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.
Our Vision
To promote and foster a vibrant business community that enhances the quality of the greater Eufaula-Barbour County area.
Our Mission
To be leaders ensuring our community is the best place to visit, live, work, invest and play.

Core Values
The Eufaula Barbour County Chamber of Commerce works to promote the following:
Collaboration & Teamwork: The Chamber cultivates a culture of collaboration & teamwork to accomplish goals and objectives.
Communication: The Chamber uses varied & appropriate communication methods, internally and externally, at suitable times.
Continuous Improvement: The Chamber works towards continuous improvement of organizational operations, staff development, programs, and services.
Customer Service: The Chamber provides outstanding customer service to all stakeholders and visitors alike.
Diversity: The Chamber strives to promote diversity in our membership, board, staff, committees, and program of work.
Employee Development: The Chamber commits to offering individual and collaborative goal setting and professional development opportunities to all staff members.
Financial Stability: The Chamber makes financial decisions that are wise, that will ensure our financial stability.
Innovation: The Chamber embraces and encourages new ideas and creative thinking.
Integrity: The Chamber conducts all business with honesty and integrity.
Leadership: The Chamber provides leadership for our membership that impacts the direction and growth of the community.
Relevance: The Chamber offers programs and services that are relevant to our members and the larger business community.
Results: The chamber membership sees measurable results from our programs, services, and activities.